Living Paintings session in Saltburn by the Sea    

On the 13th of April 2016 two volunteers from the Centre of Excellence for Sensory Impairment ran a Touch to See Living Paintings session for the Saltburn Visually Impaired group.

LivingPaintings is a national charity which provides tactile, written and audio resources for the appreciation and understanding of art works.

There were 10 attendees with varying levels of sight loss and we used the Love Story set of two tactile images and their audio descriptions:  the Meeting of Jacob and Rachel painted by William Dyce and The Kiss stone sculpture by Constantin Brancusi. The feedback was very useful and a number of people were interested in attending further sessions.

We are looking at how to raise some funding to enable us to run regular group meetings across the Tees Valley region using galleries or libraries in different areas. From our recent research we know there are many more people who would like to participate. We have ordered a new set of pictures and look forward to organising more events in 2016.